Food, Farms, and Genetic Engineering
Sample Letters to U.S. Government
Send to the Environmental Protection Agency
Administrator Carol Browner
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Dear Administrator Browner,
As the Administrator of the federal agency responsible for our environmental protection, I am asking that you require mandatory and more thorough safety reviews of genetically engineered plants before they are released into our environment. As of now, such reviews have been inadequate.
I am worried about crops that are genetically engineered to express Bt toxin. My concerns include the development of insect resistance to the Bt toxin, as well as harm to beneficial insects, such as the monarch butterfly, and soil quality. The EPA should institute new, scientifically robust protocols to evaluate the risks of Bt crops. I request that the EPA immediately convene a panel of ecologists to help develop these programs.
Send to the Food and Drug Administration
Commissioner Jane Henney
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Dear Commissioner Henney,
In late 1999, the FDA called for the public to submit comments on genetically engineered foods. I am deeply concerned that the government does not require mandatory pre-market safety testing of genetically engineered foods. Without such a requirement, we will have no way to know if new toxins or allergens are being introduced, or if levels of existing toxins in these new, novel foods are increased.
Please take action to ensure that I have the ability to make an educated choice about the foods that I eat by requiring pre-market safety tests and labeling of all genetically engineered foods, not just those containing common food allergens or nutritional enhancements.
Send to the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Secretary Dan Glickman
U.S. Department of Agriculture
200-A Whitten Bldg.
1400 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20250
Dear Secretary Glickman,
As a consumer concerned about the impact of bioengineered crops, I am writing to request that the USDA take greater precautionary and enforcement measures in the field trials of genetically engineered plants across the country. I also oppose the use of taxpayer money to develop Terminator technology, which has far-reaching impacts on small farmers dependent on seed saving.
I request that the USDA immediately cease negotiations for the licensing and commercial development of Terminator technology, and urge the USDA to require rigorous safety and environmental testing of genetically engineered plants before approving their release nationwide.
Copyright 2000. Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet. ALL RIGHTS
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