mission and historyshoppers' campaignresearch centerthe green guidemembershipstop, start, and write
Note: The above icons no longer link to live pages! Sample only.
Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet

others & Others for a Livable Planet will be closing operations at the end of March. Fortunately, most of our programs and publications are finding new homes in wonderful, like-minded organizations. Our web site will remain the hub for updates on the status of our programs and links to important information and causes for several months to come.

We celebrate our valuable work over the past twelve years and the many people who made it possible. We wish you all the best as you continue to work to protect your families and the planet. Please click on the "Membership" icon above for more details about your member benefits as well program updates.



in this website

Mothers & Others' Consumer Action Kit: Food, Farms, and Genetic Engineering
Provides parents and consumers with accurate research and up-to-date information about the impact of biotechnology on our food system.

Note: Links below are no longer live!
Award-winning reporting from our Green Guide.
News about our Shoppers Campaigns:
+ Food, Farms and Genetic-Engineering (GE) is educating consumers about the issues of genetic engineering in our food and fields.
+ The Organic Cotton Campaign is a consumer campaign targeted to increase the demand for and use of organic cotton.
+ Our apple eco-label Core Values Northeast supports the work of organic apple growers in the Northeast region.
+Transitional Organic is a program to support farmers in transition to organic production.
Answers to frequently asked questions about consumer environmental health concerns.
Opportunities to take action on environmental health issues through our Stop, Start, and Write! campaigns.
Information on how to make healthy consumer and lifestyle choices through our fact sheets, resource lists and bookstore.
A quick way to become a member of Mothers & Others.


Avoid the plethora of plastic in your life! Mothers & Others' offers concise and practical tips to reduce the environmental impact of plastic and its effects on our children.

Take a look at our Online Food Guide for parents and others who care about food quality and its impact on the health of our children and the planet.

OPINION: The Value of Locally Grown Food

Take a minute to join a CSA!
Find one in your region through the Biodynamic Farming & Gardening Association's CSA List


from the green guide
*Note: Below heads are SAMPLE copy only, no longer live links!
And the reasons behind recent false attacks on the organic food industry

Rethinking Carpet
The Foundation for a Healthy Home

The Environment and Your Child
How to Keep Toxins Away

Our Top Ten List of Fruits and Vegetables to Buy Organic

Mothers & Others Toy Shopper's Guide
Safe Toy Choices for Your Family

Simple Gifts
For Our Children's Health, the Environment and Our Sanity

book of the month
Better Basics for the Home
by Annie Berthold-Bond
(Three Rivers Press, 1999)
Purchase this book at our Bookstore!

Mothers & Others Guide to Natural
Baby Care

(John Wiley & Sons, 1999)
Purchase this book at our Bookstore.

stop, start, write!
Let's pick up our pens and let our federal government hear our concerns about unlabeled and inadequately tested genetically engineered foods!
Write, right NOW!

shoppers campaign e-mail list
Join Mothers & Others Genetic Engineering Action Network or The Organic Food and Farming Action Network

Last updated April 22, 2001

Questions or comments about our site?
E-mail webmaster@mothers.org

Look for us also on Oxygen's Moms Online!