STEP 5 EAT FRESH, WHOLE FOODS WITH ADEQUATE STARCH AND FIBER. Whole foods--fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes (beans) nuts and seeds--are the healthiest we can eat. The National Cancer Institute recommends we each "strive for five" servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day to protect against cancer, heart disease and common digestive ailments. Also most fresh produce, legumes and whole grains, with the exception of corn and soy, are still genetically natural. |
FRESH, WHOLE FOOD COOKING Here's a short list of wonderful cookbooks recommended by Mothers & Others.
--The Angelica Home Kitchen: Order directly from Angelica's Kitchen in New York City, call: 212-228-2909 --The Whole Food Bible by Chris Kilham --Whole Food Facts: The Complete Reference Guide by Evelyn Roehl The Quick and Easy Organic Gourmet by Leslie Cerier, Station Hill Openings, Barrytown, LTD, Barrytown, NY 12507.Please contact the publisher for ordering information